
Laser Wakefield "Mirror" Accelerator
Albert Reitsma
University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, United Kingdom


In this talk, I will give a short description of laser wakefield acceleration of a short, low-energy electron bunch injected into a plasma channel in front of a laser pulse[1]. This particular scheme can be developed into a compact, extremely bright electron source due to strong longitudinal and transverse compression of the injected bunch, as it is overtaken by the laser pulse and trapped in
its wakefield. I will discuss outstanding issues with this scheme and a possible implementation with a state-of-the-art injector and present-day laser and plasma technology, to be built at Strathclyde University as part of the Alpha-X laser wakefield acceleration programme[2].

[1] A.G. Khachatryan et al. Phys. Rev. ST-AB 7, 121301 (2004)
[2] http://phys.strath.ac.uk/alpha-x/

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