
Optimum beam creation in photoinjectors using space-charge expansion II: Experiment
James Rosenzweig, A. Cook, M. Dunning, P. Musumeci
University of California, Los Angeles & Università di Roma


The recent study of the marriage of the Serafini-Luiten scheme for dynamic expansion of an ultra-short beam into an optimized, ellipsoidal shaped beam of uniform density, with emittance compensation, has produced stimulus for an experiment at the SPARC injector in Fall 2005. We review preparations for this experiment. We evaluate the production ultra-fast uv pulses, cathode emission time, and high intensity laser effects. We discuss the measurable quantities in this experiment and their appropriate diagnosis including the time-resolved observation of ellipsoidal beam shape at low energy. A scheme based on gating of Cerenkov radiation produced at an aerogel for time-resolved measurements is proposed. Future measurements at high energy based on fs resolution RF sweepers are discussed. The prospects for using the very low longitudinal emittance beam in a future bunch compressor for producing 10 micron long beams are evaluated.

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