
Ultra-intense Beam Effects in Plasma Wakefields: Applications to HEP
James Rosenzweig
University of California, Los Angeles


Much progress has been made recently in the area of ultra-high-intensity plasma wakefield acceleration (PWFA). In this regime, while the wakefields experienced by the beam are asserted to be linear (linear focusing, acceleration independent of radial position), the plasma response is highly nonlinear. The deviation from linear PWFA behavior arises in three notable ways: field ionization of neutral or partly ionized atoms; relativistic plasma electron response; and ion motion. The first is seen as a great aid to current and future experiments, by providing a robust mechanism for high density plasma creation. Relativistic aspects plasma response gives rise to a new effect, that of plasma electron snow-plow by the beam?s electromagnetic field. It is seen that this effect contributes to the persistence of linear scaling of wakefield amplitude with charge even in a very nonlinear regime. Finally, we note that for very intense beams, the plasma ions collapse to form a high density region under the influence of beam fields. This is precisely the case for the current afterburner proposal, which is seen to suffer from complete ion collapse and concomitant beam-degrading nonlinear transverse fields. The negative implications of this effect on PWFA and laser plasma accelerators is discussed.

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