
A Permanent-Magnet Quadrupole Final-Focusing Optics at PLEIADES Thomson X-ray Source
Jae K. Lim
University of California, Los Angeles


The high-brightness beam physics has been the major hot research topic in the advanced accelerator physics community. A recent development of the photo-cathode injector technology has greatly enhanced the beam-quality such that high-density beams are readily be available. The technology has enriched many advanced accelerator fields, for instance, in areas such as the plasma wake field accelerator, the x-ray FEL accelerator and the Thomson x-ray accelerator. Especially for the Thomson x-ray experiment, there is an immense need for under 20 micron electron beam spot at the interaction point with the high-intensity laser. This has been demonstrated successfully at PLEIADES Livermore. We constructed an asymmetric triplet quads of high remanence permanent magnet material to produce an unprecedented high magnetic gradient field of 560T/m at the center. In addition to the implementation of high-gradient PMQs, we have developed a high-precision motion system enabling the focusing lens to work in a wide range of beam energy through tuning of drift-spaces.

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