
Ultra-cold Electron Source
Jom Luiten
University of Eindhoven


Recently we showed that ideal waterbag electron bunches ? uniformly filled, hard-edged ellipsoids of charge - can be realized in practice. The linear self-fields of such objects enable thermal-emittance-limited beams and very efficient compression. We now propose to extract the electrons from an ultra-cold plasma, created by photo-ionization of a cloud of laser-cooled atoms, thus lowering the thermal emittance to below 0.1 micron. In addition, pulsed extraction leads to fs bunch lengths, without the use of ultra-fast lasers or magnetic compression. We will present GPT simulations of the production of ultra-cold, ultra-short waterbags in realistic settings, showing that orders of magnitude in beam brightness may be gained. Experiments are underway, whose status will be reported.

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