
Overview of the LCLS Single-Shot Relative Bunch Length Monitor System
Michael Dunning, Gil Travish, James Rosenzweig
UCLA Particle Beam Physics Lab


The Particle Beam Physics Lab (PBPL) at UCLA is developing a single-shot relative bunch length monitor system for the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) X-ray Free Electron Laser at SLAC. To ensure high-quality lasing, feedback systems are needed. The bunch length monitor system will be a crucial part of the linac longitudinal feedback system, which is necessary to keep the final peak beam current stable. The system will consist of two multi-channel single-shot grating polychromators, one after each bunch compressor, and will use the coherent synchrotron radiation (CSR) or coherent edge radiation (CER) from bunch compressor chicane dipole magnets. Details of the system will be presented, and the system will be compared to alternatives. Plans for testing and integration into the LCLS beamline will be presented as well.

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