
Beam Shaping and Permanent Magnet Quadrupole Focusing with Applications to the Plasma Wakefield Accelerator
Robert J. England
University of California, Los Angeles


It has recently been proposed to use a dispersionless translating section (dogleg) with sextupole correction magnets as a bunch compressor to create longitudinally shaped (linearly ramped) electron bunches. We discuss the experiment soon to be underway at the UCLA Neptune Linear Accelerator Laboratory to test this technique with the 300 pC, 13 MeV electron bunches produced by the Neptune S-Band photoinjector. The experiment will utilize a dipole-mode deflecting cavity, as a temporal diagnostic, and a final focus system of permanent magnet quadrupoles with field gradients of 110 T/m. We also discuss the potential scaling of this technique to bunches of high (i.e. > 1nC) charge for the purpose of creating a suitable drive beam for the plasma wakefield accelerator, operating in the blowout regime.

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