
Longitudinal aspects of an ellipsoidal electron distribution and its effects on seeded FEL performance
William Graves


Generating a uniformly populated ellipsoidal electron distribution in a photoinjector has been shown to produce very low transverse emittance. It reduces the need for delicately balanced emittance correction schemes that align different time-slices of the beam in transverse phase space. The linear space charge forces, equal across all time slices, also produce a very bright beam in the longitudinal phase space plane with nearly constant slice energy spread, a parabolic time profile, and the ability to produce high peak current directly in the photoinjector. These qualities are ideal for preparing the beam for magnetic bunch compression and for the needs of a seeded FEL. We investigate this improved longitudinal phase space, using the FERMI@Elettra FEL as an example to study its performance implications for seeded short-wavelength FELs.

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