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The SPMS method

Here we introduce the SPMS method. Though this method is described in Miura and Kida[9] and Kida and Miura[8], we summarize how to implement this method in order to explain what we are doing to extract vortex structures in turbulence and how to visualize them. The essence of this method is explained by the following four processes. First, we find planes on which the pressure takes sectional-minima because we expect that swirling motions of fluids tend to reduce the pressure inside swirling motions. (It should be noted here that existence of sectional-pressure-minimum is neither the necessary condition nor the sufficient condition for swirling motions to exist there.) This procedure is achieved by considering the hessian of the pressure, tex2html_wrap_inline211 . Suppose that the three real eigenvalues of the pressure hessian is given as tex2html_wrap_inline213 . By using these three eigenvalues, the pressure can be written as


up to the second order where the coordinate axis of tex2html_wrap_inline215 s are given by the three eigenvectors of the pressure hessian. Then, find grid points tex2html_wrap_inline217 such that tex2html_wrap_inline219 because the pressure takes a local minimum on a plane perpendicular to the third eigenvector associated with the eigenvalue tex2html_wrap_inline221 . Thus we expect that a line l which is parallel to the third eigenvector and drawn on tex2html_wrap_inline225 is a central axis of the vortex. Hereafter, we concentrate on points tex2html_wrap_inline227 which are foot-points of vertical lines dropped from grid points tex2html_wrap_inline229 to corresponding lines l.

Next, choose tex2html_wrap_inline233 s (simply called ``candidates'' of skeletons) which are located in the neighborhood of tex2html_wrap_inline229 s so that candidates far from tex2html_wrap_inline229 s may be contaminated by various numerical errors and give zig-zag- or inappropriately connected skeletons. In other words, it is sufficient to adopt tex2html_wrap_inline233 s neighboring to tex2html_wrap_inline229 s to construct skeletons. This condition is expressed by an inequality tex2html_wrap_inline243 .

Then we impose the swirl condition on the planes of the pressure-minimum so that points of the sectional-minimum without swirling motions are removed from the candidates. Project a flow field on a plane perpendicular to the third eigenvector and linearize the velocity field around tex2html_wrap_inline245 . Then we have


on the frame moving with the velocity at tex2html_wrap_inline245 . Then a condition for the flow to be elliptic or spiral on this plane is given by the negative of the discriminant of tex2html_wrap_inline249 matrix A:


This discriminant is expressed by quantities of the original tex2html_wrap_inline253 -coordinate system as


where angles tex2html_wrap_inline255 , which give a rotational transform from the tex2html_wrap_inline253 -coordinate system to tex2html_wrap_inline259 -coordinate system, are determined by utilizing the third eigenvalue of the pressure hessian. By imposing tex2html_wrap_inline261 on candidates of skeletons, we have less number of candidates of skeletons.

At last, we have a set of candidates of skeletons tex2html_wrap_inline263 which are relatively less contaminated by numerical errors and accompanied with swirling motions. By connecting tex2html_wrap_inline233 s, we have skeletons which represent central axes of vortices.

Once we have obtained skeletons of swirling vortices, we can define vortex cores without ambiguity. These cores are obtained by looking for the negative discriminant tex2html_wrap_inline261 around the skeletons where tex2html_wrap_inline255 are given by the third eigenvectors on the skeletons. We here put short comment on visualization of vortex cores. The vortex cores can be expressed in the three-dimensional graphics easily by using polygons. First, we find outer boundary of a cross-section of the vortex core. If we have two neighboring cross-sections, we put polygons (in many cases they are triangles) to cover the region between these two cross-sections. Similar representation of skeletons and vortex cores has been proposed by Banks and Singer[10], although there are some ambiguity in their definition of skeletons and cores.

In the next section, we apply the SPMS method to extract vortical structures of turbulence and analyze them.

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Miura Hideaki
Fri Jan 9 19:08:09 JST 1998