Smac definition

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Smac definition

Smac is a SMall Ansi C interpreter developed to extend Xcoral editor services, but it is also possible to use Smac outside Xcoral (see §9 page gif).

This chapter gives definitions of Smac functions independently of Xcoral, valid whether they are used within or without Xcoral. The next chapter will describe their interface with Xcoral.

Smac implements a subset of the ANSI C standard, but to be fully functional it also implements some extensions of it:

To manually interrupt  a Smac execution, hit Ctrl-c  in the window where Xcoral or just Smac is running (kill -2 on Xcoral pid). To stop current execution by program (as with exit() UNIX system function but without Xcoral or Smac ending) see error() §6.6.7 page gif.

According to the Smac compiling flags (see §9 page gif) Smac can check all your memory access/modification to avoid core dump or other things. In this case, all allocated objects are taken from a special memory area whose default size    is 2^18 bytes under Xcoral, and 2^15 bytes otherwise. You can update the SMAC1056MEMORY1057SIZE environment variable to increase it, its value must be a power of two (default 2^18 or 2^15).

In all cases the Smac stack size is 1024 words by default. To increase it update the SMAC1058STACK1059SIZE    environment variable; its value corresponds to the number of words it can contain (a word permits to memorize a char, an int or a pointer).

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Lionel Fournigault
Mon Mar 6 13:33:34 MET 1995