Electronic Measurements  

The laboratory directed is also fully equipped with a wide range of electronic measurement tools which allow us to conduct dc, low frequency electrical transport, dielectric constant, optical and noise measurements, together with response studies in the presence of dc and ac electromagnetic fields. A range of pulse generators, spectrum and network analyzers operating between dc and millimeter wave frequencies allow the comprehensive examination of the response of materials and devices. A test facility for device interrogation has been established, which, in combination with various microprobes allows the examination of device operation in vacuum, in the presence of various gaseous and in aqueous environment.

The laboratory is also fully equipped with a wide range if electronic measuring tools which allow to conduct dc to low frequency electronic transport and noise measurements in various fluid environments. Electronic transport experiments have been routinely performed by the group in the last decade, and considerable expertise has been acquired in conducting such sensitive experiments.

Real time sensing setup


Fig.1. Test facility used for electronic detection of bio-molecules. The facility is embedded into a fluidic environment with temperature stabilization and is placed in a vibration isolated environment.