That has to do with nuclear pairing. As I mentioned before, nuclei with even N and even Z are more stable than others. Pairs of neutrons and also pairs of protons like to couple to total spin 0, with a little extra binding. That feature, which accounts for the fact that all known even-even nuclei have ground state angular momentum of 0, is due to the basically attractive nature of the nuclear force. Now Maria Mayer had shown that one can get some of the qualitative effects of pairing with a very simple model of nuclear forces, namely one with zero range interactions. There are also some very interesting mathematical regularities which show up in this model, which Maria Mayer and her student Dieter Kurath found by detailed calculations. Soon afterwards, it was shown by Racah and Talmi that a model with zero range interactions has some interesting group symmetries, known as seniority, and later as quasispin. This aroused my own interest, and while I did not work on the subject for a while, in the 1960's I discovered a very interesting generalization of Maria Mayer's scheme, the so called Surface Delta Interaction. That's what I was really excited bout when I last saw Maria in 1965. It was not until 25 years later that I began to understand the physical origin of all this, including why such a crude model of zero range interactions makes any physical sense, given the fact that everybody knows that nuclear forces are finite ranged, due to exchange of mesons.

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