A spinning bicycle wheel suspended by a rope from one end of its axle
makes an impressive gyro. A skillful demonstrator can start the wheel precessing smoothly
so that the axle remains horizontal.
Other gyros available:
Two standard gyros spun up with a small motor.
Fully gimboled gyro to demonstrate maintenance of axis of rotation and
inertial guidence.
Gyrowheel a small bicycle wheel with a motorized gyro inside, can be used
on the rotating platform or as a precessing top
Cenco top a large bicycle wheel sized gyro, the center of mass of
which can be varied above and below the point of support.
Massive air bearing ball gyro operates with so little friction that
the rate of rotation can be made smaller than the rate of precession. Measurements can be
taken to check the relationship between the angular velocities of rotation and precession.
Various tops are available including a "tippy top" consisting
of a hemisphere with an axle shaft above. When set spinning on the hemisphere, the top
will flip upside down and spin on its axle.
A "perpetual motion" top spins indefinitely with no apparent
external energy source.