Response Form

This form is to be used after you have looked around on our page.

This form should help us to understand our audience better as well as giving you an opportunity to give us some much needed feedback. If you would rather not respond to some of our questions, thas is no problem, but please type something (a single letter will do) in each blank provided. (Our form processing software expects every blank to have something in it.) Try not to make mistakes but if you decide you want to change a response, you will have to reset the entire form and begin again (sorry!)

Enter your name below: (Last, First)

Enter your school name below:

Enter your school street address below:

Enter your City, State and Zip below:

Enter the grade level(s) you teach below:

Enter whatever comments you have about our page or your teaching needs below: (It would be useful to us if you would also include the date you submitted this form.)

Enter your e-mail address below: (if you have none, write "none").

If you want to change any of the above press the "Reset" button below but please note that it will reset everything and you will have to start over (sorry!) We can tolerate spelling errors--we even make them ourselves. Press reset only if something important has to change.

If all seems well with the above information, then press the "Sumit" button below. We are really interested in what you have to submit and you can be assured that it will only be used in connection with the business of this page. (This means we will keep the above information confidential and will use it only if we want to contact you or send you materials you request as a direct result of reading this page.)

This completes the form. Should you want to contact us about any of this: will work. If E-mail is not convenient for you, try:

Bill Layton
Department of Physics & Astronomy
405 Hilgard Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1547

Finally, we know that some of our graphics are not of very high quality. We have decided to go with a policy of compromized quality graphics in the hope that they will load faster. In the future if there is enough demand for better quality materials for you to copy and use in your classrooms, we will make much of our material available in "hard copy" mailings.

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