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Some Smac files are provided in this distribution and are known as SmacLib. These files contain many functions built on the top of the lower interface of the editor (see Built-in editor function §4.8 page gif and Xcoral interface §7 page gif). These functions are C functions interpreted by Smac. You can read them in the given files suffixed by .sc, for instance and files. They are good examples of Smac and Xcoral use. I encourage you to read, use and perhaps adapt (correct ?) them.

These files are generally loaded and evaluated during start-up. (see .xcoralrc file §5.1 page gif). XCORALRC and XCORAL_SMACLIB environment variables are available at start-up to configure the editor. XCORALRC is used to specify the path of the .xcoralrc file (default is $HOME/.xcoralrc) and XCORAL_SMACLIB the directory path where to find Smac files (default is the directory specified at compile time: see XC_LIBDIR in Imakefile, typically /usr/local/lib/xcoral).

Lionel Fournigault
Mon Mar 6 13:33:34 MET 1995