A.2.6 Kundt's Tube
Our large Kundt's tube,
designed by Prof. Rudnick, dramatically demonstrates standing acoustical
waves. See the
animation of standing waves in the waves section of the demo manual.
Additional demonstrations and accessories with this apparatus are:
- Microphone probe connected to
an oscilloscope to accurately determine positions of the pressure antinodes.
Using a frequency counter to measure the exciting frequency and the measured
distance between the antinodes, you can determine the speed of sound to
within 1%.
- Hot wire probe (designed by
S. Baker) detects the position of the velocity antinodes (which are
at the position of the pressure nodes). The observed frequency on the
scope is twice the exciting frequency since the probe responds to the square
of the velocity. A pressure gradient mike is scheduled to replace this.
- Acoustical levitation: the
tube can be stood upright to levitate the Styrofoam chips or a single light
disc at about 30 watts of input power.
- Bernoulli effects: Two
Styrofoam balls arranged laterally in the tube at a velocity antinode
attract, while two balls arranged longitudinally repel. The fact that the
discs in the illustration at the top arrange themselves perpendicular to the
particle velocity is also a Bernoulli effect, explained briefly in A.2.13.1.
- "Cooper pairs": -
balls at different antinodes oscillate together in the sound field.