- Cornet
- Trombone
- Guitar
- Xylophone
Ultrasonic Xylophone - range from the high audible frequencies
into the ultrasonics.
Galton's Whistle - range from the high audible frequencies
into the ultrasonics.
Organ pipes - one is of variable length to show the
dependence of frequency on length.
Sicks - You can play a tune with a set of eight sticks
tuned to the major scale by dropping them in the correct order.
Singing tube - when whirled around your head will sound
the notes of a major chord.
Siren disk - has four evenly spaced rows of holes yielding
a major chord when sounded. The fifth row is unevenly spaced
and emits a noise when sounded.
Savart's toothed wheels - will sound a major chord when
rotated with a card held against its teeth.
Ultrasonic Receiver - beats ultrasonic signals from
a speaker "tweeter", or the Ultrasonic Xylophone (e)
or Galton's Whistle (f) in the 20-40 KHz range into audible
Music Box - Each tine of the box acts as a simple harmonic oscillator and
vibrates at a particular constant pitch. The pins on the box pluck the tines to make them vibrate
but the tines alone don't emit much sound. To project sound, the box couples its vibrating tines
to a surface.