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Application to multiscale electromagnetic plasma simulation

An algorithm (`Transmitted-wave' boundary condition) has been developed previously in order to handle the connection of grids having arbitrary resolution. This algorithm allows (as shown on Fig. 2) the transmission of the low-frequency part of a signal without reflections of the high frequency part between two grids having arbitrary resolution. The practical application of this algorithm along the use of the Yee FDTD algorithm is difficult because the `Transmitted-wave' boundary condition is directional (the equation depends on the direction of propagation of a signal along an axis) while the Yee algorithm is not.

Figure 2: This graph displays the transmission and reflection coefficients for a wave crossing the boundary between one grid of mesh size tex2html_wrap_inline493 and a grid having a resolution four times lower ( tex2html_wrap_inline495 ), using the 'Transmitted-wave' boundary condition.

The new FDTD scheme is by construction directional, a distinction on the direction of propagation along an axis is made by the coupling between the terms E and tex2html_wrap_inline509 , and it reduces to the 'Transmitted-wave' boundary condition for a specific set of tex2html_wrap_inline589 . Considering the connection of two grids having for mesh sizes tex2html_wrap_inline493 and tex2html_wrap_inline593 and defining tex2html_wrap_inline595 and tex2html_wrap_inline597 , then the coefficients of the connecting equation


are defined as


Jean-luc Vay
Tue Jan 13 15:57:00 PST 1998